Water Management
Many municipalities demand a sustainable approach to rainwater. Ecological requirements but also the limited absorption capacity of many sewer systems are the main reasons. However, a detailed rainwater management plan can not only be ecologically sustainable but also economically viable.
Rainwater management is more than site-specific infiltration: rainwater can be stored, treated and recycled. Or surface runoff can be limited through targeted building and surface design in such a way that infiltration is possible in the first place or discharge is reduced.
In addition to the ecological contribution, targeted stormwater management sets the course for saving discharge fees in advance of the implementation planning. We design, dimension and plan customised management concepts.
- Technical exploration of soil properties
- Precipitation runoff calculations
- Conceptual design and planning of rainwater retention areas and irrigation
- Design and planning of rainwater management systems
- Approval management
- Tendering / Site Management / Commissioning
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Departmental Coordinator
The current intensive construction activity in German cities requires lowering of the groundwater in many cases. The design and construction of a dewatering system in close inner-city development is usually complex and cannot be covered by standard procedures in larger construction processes.
We therefore design customised water retention systems that minimise the water inflow and reduce the costs for the discharge of the pumped water. Model calculations carried out in advance are therefore a forward-looking investment for the client.
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Departmental Coordinator
The work in the context of groundwater extraction ranges from the exploration of groundwater resources to the calculation of the usable groundwater supply to the determination and evaluation of the effects of the extraction on all relevant protected assets including flora and fauna. M&P has successfully worked on these issues for a large number of waterworks.
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Departmental Coordinator
CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Norbert TümmersThe planning of flood protection measures requires the cooperation of many disciplines. As a rule, mathematical modelling is first required to determine the floodplain and the effect of the protective structures on water levels. Parallel to the planning of the necessary protective structures and the necessary compensatory measures (retention area compensation), the accompanying landscape conservation planning is carried out. In addition to this work, M&P has also taken over the implementation planning and the construction supervision for the engineering and landscape management part of projects on the Leine.
Hydraulic engineering
For the planning and construction of hydraulic engineering measures, M&P offers all engineering and landscape management works. M&P has worked on a large number of projects for these structures or construction measures required as part of renaturation or conversion measures.
Hydraulic engineering
For the planning and construction of hydraulic engineering measures, M&P offers all engineering and landscape management works. M&P has worked on a large number of projects for these structures or construction measures required as part of renaturation or conversion measures.
Looking into the future is essential for planning tasks. This also applies in particular to water management issues. The lowering of groundwater during construction measures, the effects of groundwater pollution on the groundwater body or the optimisation of remediation measures can only be achieved through the use of forecasting models.
Simple calculation approaches usually do not meet the requirements of a reliable forecast. We set customised forecast models according to the requirements in order to provide our customers with important planning data.
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Departmental Coordinator
In the case of larger groundwater abstractions, groundwater monitoring networks are required both as part of data collection before the start and for preserving evidence. The planning of these networks must take into account both the hydrogeological conditions and the possible effects of the drawdowns (range) as well as economic aspects (number of measuring points, reading interval). M&P has planned and constructed a large number of such monitoring networks, e.g. for waterworks and large soil mining projects.