Natur protection and Landscape planning
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Departmental Coordinator
CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Norbert TümmersOften, the use of environmental construction supervision or monitoring is already required in the construction preparation phase of projects. This represents an independent advisory service and serves to ensure compliance with and implementation of the nature conservation-relevant conditions and requirements stipulated in permits. Its main task is to avoid impairments of nature and the environment during the execution of construction measures and thus to exclude unnecessary costs and delays as far as possible.
UBB must be carried out by qualified, specialised personnel. The Nature Conservation and Landscape Planning department has been providing these services for around 15 years. Many team members are certified as UBBs, and some also have the more advanced DB environmental construction supervision certificate (UBÜ). An environmental construction supervision generalist, specialising in the environment, leads the specialist group. Regular further training ensures the current level of training. This ensures that the client's approval requirements are implemented in accordance with the authorisation.
Your contact
Departmental Coordinator
Norbert Tümmers
Every project that involves interventions in nature and the landscape requires the preparation of specialist ecological reports for the relevant authorisation. M&P will support you from the very beginning of your planning approval, zoning or land-use planning procedure, clarify the scope of the investigation for you, prepare the necessary application documents and advise you throughout the entire process. Our aim is to ensure that your project is realised cost-effectively and in compliance with environmental legislation.
The expert work includes consultations with the authorities, initial inventories of flora, fauna, soil and water, the evaluation and assessment of the collected data, the determination and balancing of the impact, and the development of avoidance and compensation measures.
More and more clients are seeking certificates for their neighbourhoods or buildings, such as those issued by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB). We support the certification projects, e.g. with qualified biodiversity concepts in close consultation with the clients.