M&P Nord congratulates the North German Water Centre on its 30th anniversary

The North German Water Centre (NWZ) with its approximately 120 members from the fields of planning, production and operation is an important network for the North German water sector. In addition, the NWZ offers a forum for the exchange of experience between science and practice in the form of seminars and technical excursions. In addition to joint trade fair appearances (soon at IFAT 2024), the Lower Saxony Groundwater Colloquium and the NWZ Wastewater Dialogue are among the best-known events.

The anniversary celebration "30 years NWZ" on 29.08.2023 was a successful combination of festive and technical lectures with a technical exhibition and a summer party to round off the event.

At the fully booked event in the Steinhof sewage treatment plant (Braunschweig), the intentions of the association's founders were reported on and the future areas of tension in water management and possible approaches to solutions were presented in further expert lectures. As expected, the consequences of climate change on water quantity management and the adaptation to it (e.g. through blue-green infrastructure) took up a large part of the lectures by the renowned speakers. The welcome address by the government of Lower Saxony was given by the Minister of Economics, Olaf Lies, who provided the political context for the current discussion with his distinctive expertise.

Impressions of the thoroughly successful event can be found on the NWZ homepage as a short video under the following link: NWZ | North German Water Centre " 30 years NWZ (  

As a long-standing member, M&P Nord congratulates the NWZ on 30 years of successful networking. We look forward to further cooperation!